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A member registered Mar 19, 2020

Recent community posts

Did someone has the full soundtrack? I had it, but then it das deleted (In fue page i downloaded it) I'll appreciate it.

Did someone has the full soundtrack? I loved it and i want to download it.

Eipta noeztuyo ezkiuzmi /HacerBishslap

Ok Thx :3

Hey! I have a question, Is there some DLC of Password or another version coming in Spanish?

Well, Then everything is alright, I almost died when it said it was the end 

Oh my god, Thank so much <3

Someone know the name of the music or where can i get the soundtrack of the game? 

I love it is so emotional

(1 edit)

Is day 26 (With Shoichi) the end of the end.... or will the history continue?

Btw i loved it, I really hope this is not the end....

I'll wait for your reply gladly

Such a beautiful game :"3